Manual installation of OiRA

OiRA is implemented as a set of add-on products for Plone. The requirements for running an OiRA site are:

  • Plone 4.3
  • a SQL database (recommended: PostgreSQL)
  • two separate virtual hosts

Development files required on the host operating system:

  • libffi (Foreign Function Interface library development files)

e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

Plone installation

Since OiRA can only run on top of Plone, the installation configuration for the client and admin interface is based on a Plone buildout. The following listing shows the packages that must be present in the eggs section of the buildout.cfg configuration file:

eggs =

This will instruct Plone to install the OiRA software (and Euphorie on which it is based). Next you will need to add some zcml entries to load the necessary configuration as well:

zcml =

After making these two changes you must (re)run buildout and restart your Zope instance. Navigate to your zinstance directory and type:

$ bin/buildout
$ bin/instance restart

A new Euphorie website option should now appear in the list of add-on products in your Plone control panel. Installing this will setup Euphorie in your site. Addtionally you will then need to install the package “osha.oira” to get the OiRA-specific customisations.

For more information on installing add-on products in your Plone site please see the article installing an add-on product in the Plone knowledge base.


Euphorie uses z3c.appconfig to handle application configuration. All values are stored in the euphorie section. For example:


You need to tell buildout where to find this configuration:

environment-vars =
  APPCONFIG ${buildout:directory}/etc/euphorie.ini

Some notable options are:

options Description
client URL for the client (see also Virtual hosting).
library Path (inside Plone) to a sector that should be used as the Library of OiRA tools.
max_login_attempts Number: after how many failed login attempts in the client the user account gets locked.
allow_guest_accounts Boolean: If enabled the feature for guest login is available in the client.
allow_user_defined_risks Boolean: If enabled the feature for creating custom riks is available in the client.
smartprintng_url URL (including port) of the service used for creating PDF prints (see also PDF printing).

Google analytics

Euphorie includes complete Google Analytics support. However due to data protection regulations, this feature is not available in OiRA.

Web analytics (Piwik)

Plone by default can be configured to include a block of Javascript code on every page for logging information to a web analytics tool such as Piwik. The OiRA client and admin interface make use of this option. That means to enable Piwik tracking, the appropriate Javascript (available from the Piwik installation) needs to be pasted into the field “Javascript for web statistics support” of the Plone installation.

SQL database

OIRA uses a SQL database to store information for users of the client. Any SQL database supported by SQLAlchemy should work. If you have selected a database you will need to configure it in buildout.cfg. For example if you use postgres you will first need to make sure that the psycopg driver is installed by adding it to the eggs section:

eggs =

Next you need to configure the database connection information. This requires a somewhat verbose statement in the instance section of buildout.cfg:

zcml-additional =
   <configure xmlns=""
       <include package="z3c.saconfig" file="meta.zcml" />
       <db:engine name="session" url="postgres:///euphorie" />
       <db:session engine="session" />

Make sure the url parameter is correct for the database you want to use. It uses the standard SQLAlchemy connection URI format.

To set up the database you must run buildout and run the database initialisation command:

$ bin/buildout
$ bin/instance initdb

Virtual hosting

Euphorie requires two separate virtual hosts: one host for the client, and one for CMS tasks. It is common to use client as hostname for the client (e.g. and admin as hostname for the CMS (e.g. The standard method for configuring virtual hosting for Plone sites apply here as well. Here is an example nginx configuration:

server {
    listen *:80;

    proxy_read_timeout 360;
    client_max_body_size 50m;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

      location ~ ^(.*)$ {
          rewrite ^(.*)$ /VirtualHostBase/$scheme/$server_port/Plone2/VirtualHostRoot$1;
          proxy_pass http://localhost:8002;

server {
    listen *:80;

    proxy_read_timeout 360;
    client_max_body_size 50m;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    proxy_read_timeout 360;
    client_max_body_size 50m;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location ~ ^/$ {
        # override to make the redirect work for the start page
        proxy_set_header Host;
        rewrite ^/$ /documents/en/homepage/ break;

    location ~ ^(.*)$ {
        rewrite ^(.*)$ /VirtualHostBase/$scheme/$server_port/Plone2/client/VirtualHostRoot$1;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8002;

You will also need to configure the URL for the client in the euphorie.ini file:


PDF printing

For creating nicely formatted PDF reports in the client, the external component zopyx.smartprintng.server is used. It makes the PDF converting functionality of Prince XML available via a web server. The URL of this service must be present in euphorie.ini:


Usage Statistics

To generate usage statistics reports an Apache Tomcat server with the BIRT webapp needs to be set up. It must be configured to serve the reports in the oira.reports package. Its base URL needs to be made available via the osha.oira product configuration. This can be done through buildout with the zope-conf-additional option:

zope-conf-additional =
    <product-config osha.oira>